Je M'Appelle Livia  (HIC)
Birthday girls 11.05.2013
Dob 11.05.2004

Hips A/A  Elbows  0/0 Eyes clear

Owner: Julie and Craig Fynmore

Kennel Beljekali


Exterior test passed 05.08.2006

First and second pass in Sheep Herding Instinct Certificate Test

Turku int 28.01.05 Puppyclass:  Best female HP  BOS (Barbara Muller)

Saukkola 03.04.05 Match Show: BIS (Leena Parviainen)

Helsinki Aptus show INT 22.05.05 Juniorclass: VG Best female  (Anita Lindroos)

Belgian Specialty Helsinki 11.06.2005: 1 Exc Best Juniorfemale BOS-Junior (Sonny Ström, Benoit Thevenon)

Helsinki Nordic Winnershow 18.12.2005: EH 2:nd Best Young Female (Hanne Laine-Jensen)

Belgian Specialty SBU in Södertälje 05.08.06  1/1 2:nd Best Female CQ (Willemine van Deyl)

16.10 Sydney Australia CC RU Best of breed ( Mrs Denise Smith)

17.10 Sydney Australia CC RU Best of Breed (Mr Bill Smith)



  livia23.jpg (31283 byte) livia087.jpg (37161 byte) livia086.jpg (34725 byte) livia084.jpg (36601 byte)livia5months.jpg (36999 byte)    
  livia9months1.jpg (15680 byte)  
  Livia on her 9th birthday    

Fakaiser's allex hips a/a elbows 0/0

Duth,lux,germ dkbs ch, elite a pe s.r bundesseigeer w-200 boetsch de bruine buck r.egreco de la grande


elite b nozeim de bruine buck
Nuch dk uch nordv-98 mona du crepuscule des loups r.e french ch femto du bois du tot
re chfidji du castel de argences a
Je M'appelle Hvita

hips A/a elbows 0/0  

int ch ipo1 black shock bodyguard A brooks du parc de pathyvel
finch estch intch euv-91 mirmar agata
R.A A-te ell's madame coco chanel A hollch Xurit's v't belgish schoon
LP a-te ell's miss samba