/*! StormStation 5 NGX V1.1 ©2016 Astrogenic Systems http://astrogenic.com No portion of this file may be copied, redistributed or modified without prior permission */ "use strict"; function StartApp() { function e() { return function (e) { var t = e.getChildCount(), a = "lightning-cluster-", n = "background-color:rgba(63, 131, 238, 0.85); margin-left:8px"; 10 > t ? a += "low" : 100 > t ? (a += "medium", n = "background-color:rgba(207, 139, 16, 0.85); margin-left:5px") : (a += "high", n = 1e3 > t ? "background-color:rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.85); margin-left:2px" : "background-color:rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.85); margin-left:0px"); var r = '
' + t + "
"; return L.divIcon({ html: r, className: a, iconSize: L.point(32, 32) }) } } map = new L.Map("map", { center: new L.LatLng(appSettings.MapCenter.Lat, appSettings.MapCenter.Lon), zoom: 6, minZoom: 2, maxZoom: 18, zoomControl: !1 }), purgeSchedTime = utl.epochTimestamp() + 6e4, recalcStatsSchedTime = utl.epochTimestamp() + 1e4, mStrikes = [], strikeRateCnt = new Counter(1), closeRateCnt = new Counter(1), allClearCnt = new Counter(5), CGPRateCnt = new Counter(1), CGNRateCnt = new Counter(1), ICRateCnt = new Counter(1), ("undefined" == appSettings.ClusteringMinZoom || null == appSettings.ClusteringMinZoom) && (appSettings.ClusteringMinZoom = 8), featureLayer = [], featureLayer[lyrCGF] = new L.markerClusterGroup({ disableClusteringAtZoom: appSettings.ClusteringMinZoom, iconCreateFunction: e(), spiderfyOnMaxZoom: !0, chunkedLoading: !0, showCoverageOnHover: !1 }), rangeRingsLayer = new L.featureGroup, map.addLayer(rangeRingsLayer), appSettings.MapProvider > mapProvider.length - 1 && (appSettings.MapProvider = 0), appSettings.MapProviderOverlay > mapProvider.length - 1 && (appSettings.MapProviderOverlay = -1), layer = mapProvider[appSettings.MapProvider], map.addLayer(layer), appSettings.MapProviderOverlay >= 0 && (mapFeatureLayer1 = mapProvider[appSettings.MapProviderOverlay], map.addLayer(mapFeatureLayer1)), map.addLayer(featureLayer[lyrCGF]), map.addControl(L.control.zoom({ position: "bottomleft" })), map.on("zoomanim", debounce(map._onZoomTransitionEnd, 250)), ResetPanels(), setInterval(UpdateGraphs, 500), setInterval(GenMaint, 500), SetPanelOpacity(), SetRangeRings(), ChangeHistory(appSettings.StrikeHistoryMinutes), selectedTimeSpanMain = appSettings.GraphHistoryMinutes, ChangeSymbolSet(appSettings.SymbolSet), map.setZoom(appSettings.InitialZoom), initDataLoad() } function ResetPanels() { 0 == appSettings.ShowTypes ? (legendPanel = new LegendPanelNC, document.getElementById("pnlCanvas").setAttribute("height", "245"), document.getElementById("pnlSymCanvas").setAttribute("height", "37")) : legendPanel = new LegendPanel; var e = document.getElementById("map").clientWidth - 250, t = document.getElementById("pnlCanvas").height + 10; document.getElementById("pnlCanvas").setAttribute("style", "z-index: 2; position:absolute; left:" + e + "px; top:5px;"), document.getElementById("pnlSymCanvas").setAttribute("style", "z-index: 2; position:absolute; left:" + e + "px; top:" + t + "px;"), clockCanvas = document.getElementById("pnlClockCanvas"), clockContext = clockCanvas.getContext("2d"), clockPanel.Create(clockCanvas, clockContext), clockPanel.Init(), clockPanel.StartTimeUpdate(), networkStatus = 0, errorStatus = 0, dataCanvas = document.getElementById("pnlCanvas"), dataContext = dataCanvas.getContext("2d"), dataPanel.Create(dataCanvas, dataContext), dataPanel.Init(), legendCanvas = document.getElementById("pnlSymCanvas"), legendContext = legendCanvas.getContext("2d"), legendPanel.Create(legendCanvas, legendContext), legendPanel.Init() } function SetRangeRings() { var e = appSettings.FirstRing, t = appSettings.RingSpacing; "km" != appSettings.DistanceUnit && (e = utl.mi2Km(e), t = utl.mi2Km(t)), e *= 1e3, t *= 1e3, homeCenterPoint = new L.LatLng(appSettings.StationCenter.Lat, appSettings.StationCenter.Lon), numRangeRings = appSettings.NumRings, numRangeRings > 8 && (numRangeRings = 8), startDistMeters = e, spacingMeters = t, ringColor = appSettings.RingColor, drawRangeLabels = appSettings.DrawLabels, renderRangeRings() } function renderRangeRings() { if (rangeRingsLayer.clearLayers(), !(appSettings.NumRings < 1)) { L.marker(homeCenterPoint, { icon: centCrossIcon }).addTo(rangeRingsLayer); for (var e = startDistMeters, t = 0; numRangeRings > t; t++) { var a = L.geodesic([], { weight: 1, opacity: 1, color: ringColor, steps: 100 }).addTo(rangeRingsLayer); if (a.createCircle(homeCenterPoint, e), drawRangeLabels) { var n = homeCenterPoint.destinationPoint(0, e / 1e3), r = e / 1e3; "km" != appSettings.DistanceUnit && (r = utl.km2Mi(r)); var o = L.divIcon({ className: "range-label", html: r.toFixed(0).toString() }); L.marker(n, { icon: o }).addTo(rangeRingsLayer) } e += spacingMeters } } } function InjectData(e) { var t = 0 == prevTimestamp, a = utl.epochTimestamp(), n = utl.epochTimestamp() - 6e4, r = JSON.parse(e); if (1 == appSettings.ShowTypes && "LD-250" == r.DetectorModel && (appSettings.ShowTypes = !1, ResetPanels()), networkStatus = 1, dataPanel.SetNetworkStatus(networkStatus), SensorData.Lat = r.StationLat, SensorData.Lon = r.StationLon, SensorData.DecType = r.DetectorModel, SensorData.AntennaAlgn = r.AntennaAlignment, SensorData.NSVersion = r.SoftwareVersion, r.TimestampEpoch != prevTimestamp && 0 != r.StrikeData.length) { prevTimestamp = r.TimestampEpoch; for (var o = 0, i = 0; i < r.StrikeData.length; i++) if (!appSettings.HideUncorrelated || r.StrikeData[i].correlated) { var s = r.StrikeData[i].lat.toFixed(3).toString(), l = r.StrikeData[i].lon.toFixed(3).toString(); r.StrikeData[i].compoundType += 1, appSettings.ShowTypes || (r.StrikeData[i].compoundType = StrikeType.GEN); var p = r.StrikeData[i].compoundType, m = r.StrikeData[i].millis, d = new Date(m), u = -1, S = a - m; u = th05m > S ? flashIdxNew : th10m > S ? flashIdx10 : th20m > S ? flashIdx20 : th30m > S ? flashIdx30 : th40m > S ? flashIdx40 : th60m > S ? flashIdx50 : -1, u > 5 && (u = -1); var c = "", C = GetSymbolByType(StrikeType.GEN, u); p == StrikeType.CGP && (c = c = "Positive Cloud to Ground", C = GetSymbolByType(StrikeType.CGP, u)), p == StrikeType.CGN ? (c = c = "Negative Cloud to Ground", C = GetSymbolByType(StrikeType.CGN, u)) : p == StrikeType.ICF && (c = "Cloud Flash", C = GetSymbolByType(StrikeType.ICF, u)); var g = "km" == appSettings.DistanceUnit ? r.StrikeData[i].dist.toFixed(0) : utl.km2Mi(r.StrikeData[i].dist).toFixed(0), y = "Time: " + utl.dtWithMillis(d.toLocaleString(), utl.padMS(d.getMilliseconds(), 3)) + "
"; y += "Position: " + s.toString() + "°, " + l.toString() + "°
", y += "Bearing: " + parseFloat(r.StrikeData[i].bng).toFixed(1) + "° Distance: " + g + " " + appSettings.DistanceUnit + "
", appSettings.ShowTypes && (y += "Type: " + c + "
"), y += "
", -1 != u && (r.StrikeData[i].marker = L.marker([s, l], { icon: C, zIndexOffset: 1e3 }).bindPopup(y), mStrikes.push(r.StrikeData[i]), mStrikes[mStrikes.length - 1].marker.addTo(featureLayer[lyrCGF]), o++), 0 == t && (totRecord = [], totRecord.time = r.StrikeData[i].millis, totRecord.type = r.StrikeData[i].compoundType, totRecord.range = r.StrikeData[i].dist, totCounter.push(totRecord)), r.StrikeData[i].millis > n && (strikeRateCnt.increment(), p == StrikeType.CGP ? CGPRateCnt.increment() : p == StrikeType.CGN ? CGNRateCnt.increment() : p == StrikeType.ICF && ICRateCnt.increment()) } o > 0 && dataPanel.SetFlash(1), t && (UpdateMarkersOptimized(), RecalculateStats()), dataPanel.UpdateCounters() } } function AddBufferData(e) { if ("undefined" != e && null != e && 0 != e.length) { var t = utl.epochTimestamp(), a = utl.epochTimestamp() - 6e4, n = utl.epochTimestamp() - 60 * appSettings.GraphHistoryMinutes * 1e3, r = JSON.parse(e); r.StrikeData.sort(function (e, t) { e.millis - t.millis }); var o = 0; for (r.StrikeData.length; r.StrikeData.length > 0 && r.StrikeData[0].Epoch < n;) r.StrikeData.shift(), o++; networkStatus = 1, dataPanel.SetNetworkStatus(networkStatus), "undefined" != r.StationLat && (SensorData.Lat = r.StationLat), "undefined" != r.StationLon && (SensorData.Lon = r.StationLon), "undefined" != r.DetectorModel && (SensorData.DecType = r.DetectorModel), "undefined" != r.AntennaAlignment && (SensorData.AntennaAlgn = r.AntennaAlignment), "undefined" != r.SoftwareVersion && (SensorData.NSVersion = r.SoftwareVersion), prevTimestamp = r.TimestampEpoch; for (var i = 0, s = 0; s < r.StrikeData.length; s++) if (!appSettings.HideUncorrelated || r.StrikeData[s].correlated) { var l = r.StrikeData[s].lat.toFixed(3).toString(), p = r.StrikeData[s].lon.toFixed(3).toString(); r.StrikeData[s].compoundType += 1, appSettings.ShowTypes || (r.StrikeData[s].compoundType = StrikeType.GEN); var m = r.StrikeData[s].compoundType, d = r.StrikeData[s].millis, u = new Date(d), S = -1, c = t - d; S = th05m > c ? flashIdxNew : th10m > c ? flashIdx10 : th20m > c ? flashIdx20 : th30m > c ? flashIdx30 : th40m > c ? flashIdx40 : th60m > c ? flashIdx50 : -1, S > 5 && (S = -1); var C = "", g = GetSymbolByType(StrikeType.GEN, S); m == StrikeType.CGP && (C = C = "Positive Cloud to Ground", g = GetSymbolByType(StrikeType.CGP, S)), m == StrikeType.CGN ? (C = C = "Negative Cloud to Ground", g = GetSymbolByType(StrikeType.CGN, S)) : m == StrikeType.ICF && (C = "Cloud Flash", g = GetSymbolByType(StrikeType.ICF, S)); var y = "km" == appSettings.DistanceUnit ? r.StrikeData[s].dist.toFixed(0) : utl.km2Mi(r.StrikeData[s].dist).toFixed(0), k = "Time: " + utl.dtWithMillis(u.toLocaleString(), utl.padMS(u.getMilliseconds(), 3)) + "
"; k += "Position: " + l.toString() + "°, " + p.toString() + "°
", k += "Bearing: " + parseFloat(r.StrikeData[s].bng).toFixed(1) + "° Distance: " + y + " " + appSettings.DistanceUnit + "
", appSettings.ShowTypes && (k += "Type: " + C + "
"), k += "
", -1 != S && (r.StrikeData[s].marker = L.marker([l, p], { icon: g, zIndexOffset: 1e3 }).bindPopup(k), mStrikes.push(r.StrikeData[s]), mStrikes[mStrikes.length - 1].marker.addTo(featureLayer[lyrCGF]), i++), totRecord = [], totRecord.time = r.StrikeData[s].millis, totRecord.type = r.StrikeData[s].compoundType, totRecord.range = r.StrikeData[s].dist, totCounter.push(totRecord), r.StrikeData[s].millis > a && (strikeRateCnt.increment(), m == StrikeType.CGP ? CGPRateCnt.increment() : m == StrikeType.CGN ? CGNRateCnt.increment() : m == StrikeType.ICF && ICRateCnt.increment()) } UpdateMarkersOptimized(), RecalculateStats(), InsertGraphBuffers(r), UpdateGraphBuffers() } } function GenMaint() { UpdateGraphBuffers(); var e = utl.epochTimestamp(); if (e > purgeSchedTime) { purgeSchedTime = e + utl.min2millis(5); var t = 0, a = totCounter.length - 1; if (a >= 0) { var n = e - 432e5; do { if (!(totCounter[a].time < n)) break; totCounter.pop(), a = totCounter.length - 1, t++ } while (a >= 0) } } e > recalcStatsSchedTime && (recalcStatsSchedTime = e + 1e4, RecalculateStats()) } function RecalculateStats() { totalCount = 0, totalCountCGP = 0, totalCountCGN = 0, totalCountICF = 0, totalCountClose = 0; for (var e = utl.epochTimestamp() - utl.min2millis(selectedTimeSpanMain), t = 0; t < totCounter.length; t++) totCounter[t].time < e || (totCounter[t].type == StrikeType.CGP ? totalCountCGP++ : totCounter[t].type == StrikeType.CGN ? totalCountCGN++ : totCounter[t].type == StrikeType.ICF && totalCountICF++, totCounter[t].range < alarmRange && totalCountClose++); totalCount = totalCountCGP + totalCountCGN + totalCountICF, pctCGP = 0, pctCGN = 0, pctICF = 0, pctClose = 0, totalCount > 0 && (pctCGP = Math.round(totalCountCGP / totalCount * 100), pctCGN = Math.round(totalCountCGN / totalCount * 100), pctICF = Math.round(totalCountICF / totalCount * 100), pctClose = Math.round(totalCountClose / totalCount * 100)) } function InsertGraphBuffers(e) { for (var t = 0, a = 0; a < e.StrikeData.length; a++) { var n = new Date(e.StrikeData[a].millis), r = 60 * n.getHours() + n.getMinutes(); e.StrikeData[a].compoundType == StrikeType.CGP ? (++srBufCGP[r], t++) : e.StrikeData[a].compoundType == StrikeType.CGN || e.StrikeData[a].compoundType == StrikeType.GEN ? (++srBufCGN[r], t++) : e.StrikeData[a].compoundType == StrikeType.ICF && (++srBufICF[r], t++), appSettings.ShowTypes || e.StrikeData[a].compoundType != StrikeType.GEN || (++srBufCGN[r], t++), srBufTotal[r] = srBufCGP[r] + srBufCGN[r] + srBufICF[r] } } function UpdateGraphBuffers() { var e = utl.timestampMin(), t = 0; appSettings.ShowTypes ? (t = CGPRateCnt.currentCount(), t > srBufCGP[e] && (srBufCGP[e] = t), t = CGNRateCnt.currentCount(), t > srBufCGN[e] && (srBufCGN[e] = t), t = ICRateCnt.currentCount(), t > srBufICF[e] && (srBufICF[e] = t), srBufTotal[e] = srBufCGP[e] + srBufCGN[e] + srBufICF[e]) : (t = strikeRateCnt.currentCount(), t > srBufTotal[e] && (srBufTotal[e] = t)), t = closeRateCnt.currentCount(), t > srBufClose[e] && (srBufClose[e] = t), bufPointer = e, e = utl.timestampMinNext(), srBufCGP[e] = 0, srBufCGN[e] = 0, srBufICF[e] = 0, srBufClose[e] = 0, srBufTotal[e] = 0 } function UpdateGraphs() { dataPanel.UpdateCounters() } function UpdateMarkersOptimized() { var e = utl.epochTimestamp(); for (featureLayer[lyrCGF].clearLayers(), mStrikes.sort(function (e, t) { return parseInt(e.millis) - parseInt(t.millis) }) ; mStrikes.length > 3e3;) mStrikes.shift(); for (var t = 0; t < mStrikes.length; t++) { var a = e - mStrikes[t].millis; a >= th60m ? mStrikes.shift() : (a <= StrokeAgeMS.M5 ? mStrikes[t].marker.setIcon(GetSymbolByType(mStrikes[t].compoundType, flashIdxNew)) : a <= StrokeAgeMS.M10 ? mStrikes[t].marker.setIcon(GetSymbolByType(mStrikes[t].compoundType, flashIdx10)) : a <= StrokeAgeMS.M20 ? mStrikes[t].marker.setIcon(GetSymbolByType(mStrikes[t].compoundType, flashIdx20)) : a <= StrokeAgeMS.M30 ? mStrikes[t].marker.setIcon(GetSymbolByType(mStrikes[t].compoundType, flashIdx30)) : a <= StrokeAgeMS.M40 ? mStrikes[t].marker.setIcon(GetSymbolByType(mStrikes[t].compoundType, flashIdx40)) : a <= StrokeAgeMS.M60 && mStrikes[t].marker.setIcon(GetSymbolByType(mStrikes[t].compoundType, flashIdx50)), a <= StrokeAgeMS.M60 && featureLayer[lyrCGF].addLayer(mStrikes[t].marker)) } clearTimeout(tmrUpdateMapId), tmrUpdateMapId = setTimeout(UpdateMarkersOptimized, 6e4) } function GetSymbolByType(e, t) { if (!(0 > t || t > 5)) { var a = currentSymSet; return 0 == appSettings.ShowTypes && (e = 2), 1 == e ? cgpStrikeSym[a + t] : 2 == e ? cgnStrikeSym[a + t] : icFlashSym[a + t] } } function ChangeHistory(e) { if (selectedHistory != e) { selectedHistory = e; var t = 1; 30 == selectedHistory ? t = .5 : 15 == selectedHistory ? t = .25 : 6 == selectedHistory && (t = .1), StrokeAgeMS = { M5: th05m * t, M10: th10m * t, M20: th20m * t, M30: th30m * t, M40: th40m * t, M50: th50m * t, M60: th60m * t }, StrokeAgeMIN = { M5: 5 * t, M10: 10 * t, M20: 20 * t, M30: 30 * t, M40: 40 * t, M50: 50 * t, M60: 60 * t }, UpdateMarkersOptimized(), legendPanel.Init() } } function ChangeSymbolSet(e) { 6 * e != currentSymSet && (currentSymSet = 6 * e, UpdateMarkersOptimized(), legendPanel.Init()) } function _extCall_SetNEXRADOpacity() { radarOpacity = arguments[0], null != radar && radar.setOpacity(radarOpacity) } function SetPanelOpacity() { panelOpacity = appSettings.PanelOpacity, pnlBg = "rgba(30, 30, 30, " + panelOpacity + ")", dataPanel.Init(), clockPanel.Init(), legendPanel.Init() } function initDataLoad() { timer = setInterval(loadRealtimeData, 4e3), loadRetryCount = 0, loadBufferedData(), loadRealtimeData() } function loadRealtimeData() { errorStatus = 0, networkStatus = 0, xhr = new XMLHttpRequest, xhr.onreadystatechange = realtimeLoad, xhr.open("GET", appSettings.DataFileRelativePath + "ngxdata.json?" + (new Date).getTime(), !0), xhr.responseType = "application/json", xhr.send() } function loadBufferedData() { xhrBuf = new XMLHttpRequest, xhrBuf.onreadystatechange = bufferLoad, xhrBuf.open("GET", appSettings.DataFileRelativePath + "ngxarchive.json?" + (new Date).getTime(), !0), xhrBuf.responseType = "application/json", xhrBuf.send() } function realtimeLoad() { if (4 == xhr.readyState && 200 == xhr.status) { JSON.parse(xhr.responseText); debounce(InjectData(xhr.responseText), 250), loadRetryCount = 0, clearInterval(timer), timer = setInterval(loadRealtimeData, 4e3) } else 4 == xhr.readyState && 404 == xhr.status && (loadRetryCount++ < 3 ? (clearInterval(timer), timer = setInterval(loadRealtimeData, 1e3)) : (errorStatus = 1, dataPanel.SetErrorStatus(errorStatus), loadRetryCount = 0, clearInterval(timer), timer = setInterval(loadRealtimeData, 3e3))) } function bufferLoad() { if (4 == xhrBuf.readyState && 200 == xhrBuf.status) { JSON.parse(xhrBuf.responseText); AddBufferData(xhrBuf.responseText) } } function loadSettings() { var e = new XMLHttpRequest; e.overrideMimeType("application/json"), e.onreadystatechange = function () { 4 == e.readyState && 200 == e.status && (appSettings = JSON.parse(e.responseText), utl.endsWith(appSettings.DataFileRelativePath, "/") || (appSettings.DataFileRelativePath += "/"), console.log("Settings loaded"), StartApp()) }, e.open("GET", "options/settings.json?" + (new Date).getTime(), !0), e.responseType = "application/json", e.send() } function debounce(e, t, a) { var n; return function () { var r = this, o = arguments, i = function () { n = null, a || e.apply(r, o) }, s = a && !n; clearTimeout(n), n = setTimeout(i, t), s && e.apply(r, o) } } var utl = new UtilClass, appSettings; preloadImages(loadSettings); var centCrossIcon = L.icon({ iconUrl: centCross.src, iconSize: [21, 21], iconAnchor: [10, 10] }), playAlarm = !0, playClick = !0, closeSymSet = !0, lyrCGF = 0, lyrCGP = 1, lyrCGN = 2, lyrICF = 3, StrikeType = Object.freeze({ GEN: 0, CGP: 1, CGN: 2, ICF: 3, CGPF: 4, CGNF: 5 }), StrikeCol = Object.freeze({ CGP: "red", CGN: "gold", ICF: "deepskyblue", GEN: "orange", SUM: "white", IND: "lime", IND_ERR: "red", IND_WRN: "yellow" }), GraphTimeSpan = Object.freeze({ H0: 30, H1: 60, H2: 120, H4: 240, H8: 480, H12: 720 }), tmrUpdateMapId, th05m = 3e5, th10m = 6e5, th20m = 12e5, th30m = 18e5, th40m = 24e5, th50m = 3e6, th60m = 36e5, selectedHistory = 60, StrokeAgeMS = { M5: 3e5, M10: 6e5, M20: 12e5, M30: 18e5, M40: 24e5, M50: 3e6, M60: 36e5 }, StrokeAgeMIN = { M5: 5, M10: 10, M20: 20, M30: 30, M40: 40, M50: 50, M60: 60 }, selectedTimeSpanClose = GraphTimeSpan.H1, selectedTimeSpanMain = GraphTimeSpan.H1, panelOpacity = .7, radarOpacity = .6, pnlBg = "rgba(30, 30, 30, " + panelOpacity + ")", timerId, showRadar = !0, radar, numRangeRings, startDistMeters, spacingMeters, drawRangeRings, drawRangeLabels, ringColor, alarmRingColor, homeCenterPoint, alarmRange, alarmActive = !1, alarmDrawRing = !0, alarmDrawLabel = !0, emailAlertsActive = !1, networkStatus = 0, errorStatus = 0, hasSystemMessage = !1, nearStrokeData = []; nearStrokeData.dist = 9999999, nearStrokeData.distMi = 9999999, nearStrokeData.bng = -1, nearStrokeData.time = -1; var currZoomLevel, prevZoomLevel = -1, ZoomType = Object.freeze({ CLOSE: 0, FAR: 1 }), currZoomType, totRecord = []; totRecord.time = 0, totRecord.type = 0, totRecord.range = 0; for (var totCounter = [], purgeSchedTime = 0, recalcStatsSchedTime = 0, totalCount = 0, totalCountCGP = 0, totalCountCGN = 0, totalCountICF = 0, totalCountClose = 0, pctCGP = 0, pctCGN = 0, pctICF = 0, pctClose = 0, srBufCGP = [], srBufCGN = [], srBufICF = [], srBufClose = [], srBufTotal = [], bufPointer = 0, i = 0; 1440 > i; i++) srBufCGP[i] = 0, srBufCGN[i] = 0, srBufICF[i] = 0, srBufClose[i] = 0, srBufTotal[i] = 0; var closeAlarmTriggered = !1, closeAlarmMuted = !1, caTimerId, dataPanel = new DataPanel, dataCanvas, dataContext, clockPanel = new ClockPanel, clockCanvas, clockContext, sym = new Symbols; sym.Create(); var legendPanel, legendCanvas, legendContext, SensorData = { Lat: 0, Lon: 0, DecType: "Unknown", NSVersion: "", AntennaAlgn: 0 }, map, mStrikes, strikeRateCnt, closeRateCnt, allClearCnt, CGPRateCnt, CGNRateCnt, ICRateCnt, featureLayer, rangeRingsLayer, layer, currentLayer = 0, currentSymSet = 0, mapFeatureLayer1, internalTimestamp = 0, prevTimestamp = 0, timer, loadRetryCount, xhr, xhrBuf;