2015 1 year work grant, the Åland regional government
2013 Project grant, for the book "The Elk"
2012 The Åland Regional Government Jubilee Prize
2009 1/2 year work grant, the Åland regional government
2008 Project grant
The Åland Autonomy 75-years Jubilee Medal
2007 The Cultural Grant of Ålandsbanken
2004 The Julius Sundblom grant
2004 The Nils Byman grant
2003 Project grant, Parliamentary pearls
1999 The ”Konstsamfundet” association, grant for the exhibition in the Mariehamn Gallery summer 2000.
1999 Assistance grant from the cultural delegation of Åland to participate with a set of sculptures in Helsinki during the capital of culture year 2000
1996 Work grant for the exhibition in the Kastelholm castle, The Åland regional government
1995 1 year work grant, the Åland regional government
1993 6 month work grant, Delegation for the Swedish cultural fond
1989 Grant to study and work in France, the ”Ihminen yhteisunnassa” foundation.
1986 The Tampere city grant