Old Letter´s / Autogrph´s collection


Historcal Persons   ;   Notice   ;  

- - - >      Updated   :   5. 2. 2011      < - - -     


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: Mallmström ( - ) :

  • Born :       † :
  • Prio :      / Picture :      / SBL :
  • Profession :
  • Parents :
  • Marriage :
  • Relation :
  • Info :

  • Dated Type Pic. Other Sign. Condition S.R.C.S. / Waxseal Persons mentioned Notice
  • Undated
  • Cut from letter

    No Good No. No. ? Mallmström
    Bought 2010-10-05

    : Malmskiöld ( - ) :

  • Born :       † :
  • Prio :      / Picture :      / SBL :
  • Profession :
  • Parents :
  • Marriage :
  • Relation :
  • Info :

  • Dated Type Pic. Other Sign. Condition S.R.C.S. / Waxseal Persons mentioned Notice
  • Undated
  • Cut from letter

    No Good No. No. ? Malmskiöld
    Bought 2010-10-05

    : Nils Månsson Mandelgren (1813 - 1899) :

  • Born : 1813-07-17 at "Väsby socken af Luggude Härad" in Skåne.       † : 1899-04-01.
  • Prio : 3.      / Picture : Yes.      / SBL : Yes.
  • Profession : "Tecknare", "Kulturforskare".
  • Parents : Måns Svensson and Kerstin Jönsdotter.
  • Marriage : Unmarried.
  • Relation : No info.
  • Info : -

  • Dated Type Pic. Other Sign. Condition S.R.C.S. / Waxseal Persons mentioned Notice
  • Undated
  • Cut from letter No ? Good ? ? 1999-01-30

    : (Kristoffer Rutger) Ludvig Manderström (1806 - 1873) :

  • Born : 1806-01-22 in Stockholm.       † : 1873-08-18 in Köln (Germany).
  • Prio : 2.      / Picture : Yes.      / SBL : Yes.
  • Profession : "Statsman", "Skriftställre".
  • Parents : "Kammarherren" Baron Erik Ludvig Manderström and Baroness Kritina Britta Bennet.
  • Marriage : 1842 with Baroness Ebba Märta Mathilda Johanna Banér.
  • Relation : No info.
  • Info : -

  • Dated Type Pic. Other Sign. Condition S.R.C.S. / Waxseal Persons mentioned Notice
  • 1873
    30 jun
  • Letter No No Good ? ? 1999-04-19

    : Nils Mannerkrants ( - ) :

  • Born : .       † : .
  • Prio : .      / Picture : .      / SBL : .
  • Profession : ""
  • Parents : .
  • Marriage : .
  • Relation :
  • Info in swedish : "

    Read more at : SBL (Swedish)

  • Dated Type Pic. Other Sign. Condition S.R.C.S. / Waxseal Persons mentioned Notice
  • 1807
    2 April
  • Manuscript

    ¤ Bror Cederström
    ¤ Cabee /C(.)bell
    ¤ V Wanersk(r)ants / N(Nils) Mannerkrants(z)
    ¤ Carl Armfelt
    ¤ Nils Cronstedt
    ¤ J(.) v. Krusenstjerna
    ¤ J D Jegerheim
    ¤ Fredrik d'Orchimont
    Good Paper seal. ¤ "BROR CEDERSTRÖM (1754–1816), friherre och militär. Vid krigsutbrottet 1808 fick han befälet över västra armén. Han förhöll sig passiv gentemot revolutionsplanerna och försökte inte hindra Adlersparres marsch mot Stockholm. Egenhändig underskrift (m.fl. 8 personer) på handling, daterad Karlberg den 2 april 1807. (Utrop ca € 35 / $45)".

    : And. Mennander ( - ) :

  • Born : No info.       † : No info.
  • Prio : 1.      / Picture : No.      / SBL : No.
  • Profession : Vicar "Kyrkoherde" at Fichels in Estland.
  • Parents : No info.
  • Marriage : with Elisabeth Ruuth.
  • Relation : Son: "Ärkebiskop" Carl Fredrik Mennander (1712-1786).
  • Info in Swedish : ??? Fil. kand. Adolf Fredrik Mennander Pic.
    inträdde i seminariet den 1 nov. 1893 som vikarierande lektor i matematik, fysik och naturkunnighet efter att förut haft anställning vid reallyceum i Fredrikshamn (1887— 1893) och vid fruntimmersskolan därstädes. Han blev utan medsökande utnämnd till ordinarie lektor den 21 jan. 1896 och har sålunda i 30 år varit lärare vid Nykarleby seminarium.

  • Dated Type Pic. Other Sign. Condition S.R.C.S. / Waxseal Persons mentioned Notice
  • 1735
    23 mar
  • ? No 3 Good ? ? 1996-12-16

    : Jacob Mennander (1743 - 1785) :

  • Born : 1743-07-07 (probebly in Finland).       † : 1785-11-20 (probebly in Finland).
  • Prio : 1.      / Picture : No.      / SBL : No.
  • Profession : No info.
  • Parents : No info.
  • Marriage : 1779 with Helena Carsten.
  • Relation : No info.
  • Info : -

  • Dated Type Pic. Other Sign. Condition S.R.C.S. / Waxseal Persons mentioned Notice
  • 1780
    22 sep
  • ? No 3 Good ? ? 1996-12-16
  • 1781
    22 feb
  • ? No 3 Good ? ? 1996-12-16

    : Sven (Abraham) Munthe (1787 - 1873) :

  • Born : 1787-04-11 in Karlshamn.       † : 1873-04-15 in Stockholm.
  • Prio : 2.      / Picture : No.      / SBL : Yes, as no 3.
  • Profession : "Äbetsman".
  • Parents : "Borgmästaren" Carl Magnus Munthe and Gustafva Nehrman.
  • Marriage : 1814 with Augusta Charlotta Jacobina Göecke.
  • Relation : Se SBL.
  • Info : -

  • Dated Type Pic. Other Sign. Condition S.R.C.S. / Waxseal Persons mentioned Notice
  • 1831
    31 dec
  • Cut from letter No. 5 Good No ? .
  • 1831
    31 dec
  • Cut from letter No. 6 Good No ? .

    : Arvid Mörne (1876 - 1946) :

  • Born : 1876       † : 1946
  • Prio : 1.      / Picture : No.      / SBL : No.
  • Profession : Poet and author from Finland
  • Parents :
  • Marriage :
  • Relation :
  • Info :

  • Dated Type Pic. Other Sign. Condition S.R.C.S. / Waxseal Persons mentioned Notice
  • Undated
  • Autograph

    No Good No no 080818 / 0809

    : Axel Otto Mörner (1774 - 1852) :

  • Born : 1774-06-08 in Lekaryd.       † : 1852-10-20 in Eksjö.
  • Prio : 4.      / Picture : Yes.      / SBL : Yes as no 11.
  • Profession : "Arméofficer, Statsråd, General"
  • Parents : Carl Gustaf Mörner and Sofia Elisabet Steuch.
  • Marriage : With Ebba Wilhelmina Modée.
  • Relation : .
  • Info : Axel Otto Mörner (1774–1852) was a Swedish artist and general.
    "Axel Otto Mörner, född 8 juli 1774 i Eksjö, död 20 oktober 1852, var en svensk greve, militär, statsråd och konstnär".

    Read more at : SBL (Swedish)
    Read more at : Wikipedia (swedish)

  • Dated Type Pic. Other Sign. Condition S.R.C.S. / Waxseal Persons mentioned Notice
  • 1841
    29 March
  • Manuscript

    ¤ D A Pärson. Good No. ? ¤ "Handskrift, Sverige. Skrivelse om två sidor, daterad Stockholms slott den 29 mars 1841".
    ¤ Manuscript, dated Stockholm Castle March 29, 1841.
    Bought 2013-08-21.

    : Carl Mörner (1755 - 1821) :

  • Born : 1755-12-01 at Röjenäs in Jönköping.       † : 1821-06-24 in Stockholm.
  • Prio : 4.      / Picture : Yes, (SBH).      / SBL : Yes, as no 2.
  • Profession : Count, Military, Governor in Pommern (1811), Fältmarkalk (1816), Överståthållare in Stockholm.
  • Parents : "Hovjägmästare" Carl Gustaf Mörner and Margareta Fredrika Duse.
  • Marriage :
  • Relation :
  • Info : Real name : Carl Carlsson Mörner of Tuna.
    The nobled family, no 109, ended by himself as he didn´t got any children.

  • Dated Type Pic. Other Sign. Condition S.R.C.S. / Waxseal Persons mentioned Notice
  • 1814
    9 jun
  • Contract of estate "Fasteberv" No ? Good ? ? .

    : Hjalmar Mörner (1794 - 1837) :

  • Born : 1794 in Stockholm.       † : 1837 in Paris.
  • Prio : 3.      / Picture : No.      / SBL : Yes, as no 10.
  • Profession : Painter.
  • Parents : Gustaf Fredrik Mörner.
  • Marriage :
  • Relation : Real name: Carl Gustaf Hjalmar Mörner.
  • Info : His paintings can be seen at Nationalmuseum and also at other museums.

  • Dated Type Pic. Other Sign. Condition S.R.C.S. / Waxseal Persons mentioned Notice
  • Undated
  • Drawn by pencil No No Good No. No. .

    : ( - ) :

  • Born :       † :
  • Prio :      / Picture :      / SBL :
  • Profession :
  • Parents :
  • Marriage :
  • Relation :
  • Info :

    Read more at : SBL (Swedish)
    Read more at : Wikipedia (swedish)

  • Dated Type Pic. Other Sign. Condition S.R.C.S. / Waxseal Persons mentioned Notice

  • : NOTICE :
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    * ) All this letters are from one collection called Roukola´s oldest document. Total about 500 pages concerning Silversvan, Cedersparre and other families. Ruokola is located in Viborg area, Finland.
    "Ruokola älsta dokument (pärmtitel), Samlings-volym med ca 500 sidor 1700-talshandskrifter av och rörande Silfversvan, Cedersparre mfl ätter. Ett antal fullmakter undertecknat av Karl XII (1701). Fredrik I (7 st.) och Adolf Fredrik. Likvidhandlingar, regementsräkenskaper mm. Handlingar undertecknade av namn som Aminoff, Charpentier, Nauclear, Uxkull, Leijman mfl. Hyresynshandling rör Myttala kaptensboställe 1752, ett antal brev mm. Ruokola i Viborgs län, Finland.

    Explanations : Words into "xxx" = Swedish language.
    ¤ "S.R.C.S." = "Svea Rikes Charta Sigillata".
    ¤ Chamberlain = "Kammarherre".
    ¤ Count = "Greve".
    ¤ Countess = "Grevinna".
    ¤ Counties = "Län / Landskap".
    ¤ Country gentleman = "Godsägare".
    ¤ Country house = "Herrgård".
    ¤ Country seat = "Herresäte".
    ¤ County = "Grevskap / Län.
    ¤ Governor of a County = "Landshövding.
    ¤ Lady´s maid = "Kammarjungfru".
    ¤ Waxseal = "Vaxsigill".

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