T - U
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: August Titz (1865 - 1957) : | |||||||
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| Dated | Type | Pic. | Other Sign. | Condition | S.R.C.S. / Waxseal | Persons mentioned | Notice |
: Anders Torstenson (1641 - 1686) : | |||||||
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Read more at : Wikipedia (swedish)
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Dated | Type | Pic. | Other Sign. | Condition | S.R.C.S. / Waxseal | Persons mentioned | Notice |
June 22 |
Manuscript | |
¤ Sten Bielke ¤ Anders Torstenson ¤ Christopher Gyllenstierna ¤ Claes Fleming ¤ G Palmquist ¤ Anders Lindehjelm ¤ J Ehrenskiöld ¤ Hans Billinskiöldh ¤ B? shuoch ? ¤ Carl Piper |
Good | . | ¤ "Sverige Kurirpost
Mycket intressant kurirbrev med helt innehåll ställt till riksrådet Carl Mörners
arvingar angående Mörners delaktighet i Palmstruchska bankens undergång, undertecknat
av tio medlemmar, bl.a. ordföranden Claes Fleming, Anders Lindehjelm, Sten Bielke
och Carl Piper, daterad Stockholm den 22 juni 1682. (Utrop ca € 120 / $150)" ¤ Letter to Carl Mörners heirs. Hand signed autographs by 10 incl Claes Fleming, Anders Lindehjelm, Sten Bielke, Carl Piper and others, dated in Stockholm in june 22, 1682. |
: Nils Nilsson Tungel (1592 - 1689) : | |||||||
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| Dated | Type | Pic. | Other Sign. | Condition | S.R.C.S. / Waxseal | Persons mentioned | Notice |
6 sep. |
: Johan Erland Törn (1693 - 1777) : | |||||||
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| Dated | Type | Pic. | Other Sign. | Condition | S.R.C.S. / Waxseal | Persons mentioned | Notice |
: Adolph Törneros (1794 - 1839) : | |||||||
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| Dated | Type | Pic. | Other Sign. | Condition | S.R.C.S. / Waxseal | Persons mentioned | Notice |
: Olof Törnflycht (1680 - 1737) : | |||||||
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| Dated | Type | Pic. | Other Sign. | Condition | S.R.C.S. / Waxseal | Persons mentioned | Notice |
1 aug. |
: Frans Otto Törnlund (1868 - 1957) : | |||||||
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| Dated | Type | Pic. | Other Sign. | Condition | S.R.C.S. / Waxseal | Persons mentioned | Notice |
Namelist. |
: (Curt) Gustaf af Ugglas (1820 - 1895) : | |||||||
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Brother : Carl Fredrik Ludvig af Ugglas (1814-1880). | Dated | Type | Pic. | Other Sign. | Condition | S.R.C.S. / Waxseal | Persons mentioned | Notice |
Cut from letter | No | No | Good | ? | ? | 1999-01-30 / 0612 |
: ( - ) : | |||||||
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| Dated | Type | Pic. | Other Sign. | Condition | S.R.C.S. / Waxseal | Persons mentioned | Notice |
* ) All this letters are from one collection called Roukola´s oldest
document. Total about 500 pages concerning Silversvan, Cedersparre and other
families. Ruokola is located in Viborg area, Finland.
"Ruokola älsta dokument (pärmtitel), Samlings-volym med ca 500 sidor
1700-talshandskrifter av och rörande Silfversvan, Cedersparre mfl ätter.
Ett antal fullmakter undertecknat av Karl XII (1701). Fredrik I (7 st.) och
Adolf Fredrik. Likvidhandlingar, regementsräkenskaper mm. Handlingar
undertecknade av namn som Aminoff, Charpentier, Nauclear, Uxkull, Leijman mfl.
Hyresynshandling rör Myttala kaptensboställe 1752, ett antal brev mm.
Ruokola i Viborgs län, Finland.
Explanations : Words into "xxx" = Swedish language.
¤ "S.R.C.S." = "Svea Rikes Charta Sigillata".
¤ Chamberlain = "Kammarherre".
¤ Count = "Greve".
¤ Countess = "Grevinna".
¤ Counties = "Län / Landskap".
¤ Country gentleman = "Godsägare".
¤ Country house = "Herrgård".
¤ Country seat = "Herresäte".
¤ County = "Grevskap / Län.
¤ Governor of a County = "Landshövding.
¤ Lady´s maid = "Kammarjungfru".
¤ Waxseal = "Vaxsigill".