Cloud Strife

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Cloud is the maincharacter
of the game. He came in contact with Avalanche
as a bountyhunter but it turned out to be a more complex situation
Hometown: Niebelheim
Weapon: Sword

Barret Wallace

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Barret is the leader of Avalanche and wants
to destroy everything for Shinra.
He is fighting for the planet and hates the Shin-Ra corp.

Hometown: Corel
Weapon: Gun-Arm

Tifa Lockhaert

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Tifa is Cloud's childhoodfriend and owns the bar 7th Heaven
She is always at good temper and have good care
with her peers
Hometown: Niebelheim
Weapon: Iron-Fist

Aeris Gainsbourogh

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Aeris the flowergirl is the only survival of the ancients.
She walked around in the Midgar streets selling flowers
when Cloud and the others showed up.
Hometown: Midgar sector5/Cetra
Weapon: Staff

Vincent Valentine

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Vincent was a scientist long ago. When his
girlfriend Lucretia got experimented with by the Shin-Ra,
she gave birth to Sephiroth. Vincent couldnīt forgive himself for letting the
Shin-Ra scientists do this so he fell into a lon unnatural sleep
Hometown: Niebelheim
Weapon: Gun-Pistol


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Red XII was a guardian of Cosmo Canyon when Shin-Ra
took him and wanted him as a science specimen, then he was saved by
Cloud and co. Redīs father was a good guardian and died in
battle. His granpa Bugenhagen is very old knows all about the planet
Hometown: Cosmo Canyon
Weapon: Feather


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Cait-Sith is a fortune teller at The Goldsaucer. He was
hired by the Shin-Ra to spy on our friends.
Heīs also riding on a toymog.
Hometown: Goldsaucer
Weapon: Mega-phone

Cid Highway

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Cid is a pilot from Rocket town, his dream is to
go to outher space with the Shin-Ra rocket program
but they crashed the program and Cid lived in bitterness
until Cloud came and put some adventures to his life
Hometown: Rocket town
Weapon: Spear

Yuffie Kisaragi

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Yuffie is a good fighter from Wutai
Her father is the leader of the city and is very proud of his Yuffie
playing around with dangers. Her profession is materiahunter
Hometown: Wutai
Weapon: Chakram

Sephiroth Valentine

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Sephiroth is as everybody knows the evil guy but is he
really that evil. The real Sephiroth died from Shin-Ra scientists.
They revived him and he got stronger from the Makou energy but his mind got twisted
Hometown: Niebelheim
Weapon: Masamune blade (sword)