The Goldsaucer
Here in Chocobo square you can bet your money at chocobos and even race
by yourself. Here you can get many various items or (if you want) GP.
Try to get your chocobos as high a speed/stamina as possible because itīs better prizes in the upper classes.
When (if) you rise to the masterlevel (S-class) the opponent chocobos are
very hard to beat. Tip: give your chocos much of the best food and they will get better.
In the event square it is usually theaters and other shows
And one day Cloud got into the show during a date with someone.
Once this is over nothing happens here.
The Battle Arena is a place where you fight (simple and clear).
When fighting you'll have to roll
a slot for every victory that represent a handicap(not fun).
When you win a whole battle you gain some battlepoints, with the battlepoints
you can buy very good things (e.g. Omnislash, W-summon). If you win a lot of times
you then can fight in the master arena with hard enemies. There you can win the
very useful final attack materia.
Have you ever dreamed about a flying tour over e.g. Disneyland or another themepark.
Here in Tour area it can be real for just 3 GP you can(with a friend)go for a ride above the Goldsaucer
and check everything in this wonderful park.
The Ghost Hotel
is (as the name tells)a hotel where you and
can rest. It costs only 2 gp to rest and Mr Hangman, the receptionist
is selling some items aswell.
So donīt be scared muahahahahah (just had to)
This one is really fun. The wondersquare is a perfect place to gather GP in and it sure is fun to.
You can as an example play basket, drive motorbike, submarinegame, moghouse,
fortune telling (not cait-sith though), wonder crane, 3-D Wrestling, and a snowboardgame.
Roller Coasters sure are fun, shooting galleries aswell, here they are both in one.
While riding this (cost 20 GP) you'll shoot anything that moves (that's good tactics).
You get various points according to wich enemy you hit. If you get over 3000 points you can get
1/35 soldier = souvernir
Masamune blade = souvernir (copy of Sephiroths sword awesome)
Super Sweeper = ??? some kind of unnecessery item.
If you got over 5000 points you can get
Umbrella = A weapon for Aeris CD 1
Flayer = A weapon for Cid CD 2,3
I wish you good luck in The Goldsaucer