



What It Means

Name Name of the Materia
Description What it does
AP AP points needed
Location Where you'll find it

Magic (Green) Materia





Ice Casts Ice, Ice 2, and Ice 3 35000 Initially Equipped
Lightning Casts Bolt, Bolt 2, and Bolt 3 35000 Initially Equipped
Restore Casts Cure, Cure 2, Regen, and Cure 3 40000 Reactor #1
Fire Casts Fire, Fire 2, and Fire 3 35000 Sector 7 Materia Shop
Poison Casts Bio, Bio 2, and Bio 3 38000 Shinra Corporate HQ Floor 67
Earth Casts Quake, Quake 2, and Quake 3 40000 Shop in Kalm Town
Heal Casts Poisona, Esuna, and Resist 60000 Shop in Kalm Town
Revive Casts Life and Life 2 45000 Shop in Junon
Seal Casts Sleep and Silence 20000 Shop in Junon
Transform Casts Mini and Toad 24000 Mt. Corel Railroad Tracks
Mystify Casts Confu and Berserk 25000 Shop in Gongaga
Time Casts Haste, Slow, and Stop 42000 Shop in Gongaga
Gravity Casts Demi, Demi 2, and Demi 3 40000 After defeating Gi Nattack in Cave of the Gi
Destruct Casts DeBarrier, DeSpell, and Death 45000 From Sephiroth/Shinra Mansion
Barrier Casts Barrier, M-Barrier, Reflect, and Wall 45000 Shop in Rocket Town
Exit Casts Escape and Remove 30000 Shop in Rocket Town
Comet Casts Comet and Comet 2 60000 Forgotten City
Fullcure Casts Fullcure 100000 Cosmo Canyon Item Shop
Contain Casts Freeze, Break, Tornado, and Flare 60000 White Chocobo in Mideel
Ultima Casts Ultima 100000 North Corel (after stopping the train)
Shield Casts Shield 100000 Final Dungeon
Master Magic Casts all Magic spells 0 Cosmo Canyon

Command (Yellow) Materia





Steal Allows you to use Steal or Mug 50000 Midgar Sewers
Sense Allows you to use Sense 40000 Sector 6 Playground
Enemy Skill Allows you to use E. Skill 0 Shinra Corporate HQ Level 68
Throw Allows you to use Throw or Coin 60000 Yuffie enters party equipped
Manipulate Allows you to use Manip. 40000 Cait Sith enters party equipped
Deathblow Allows you to use D. blow 40000 Road near Gongaga Reactor
Morph Allows you use Morph 100000 Temple of the Ancients
Double Cut Allows you to use 2x-Cut or 4x-Cut 150000 Sunken Shinra Air Ship
W Summon Allows you to cast two Summon spells in one round 250000 64,000 BP at Battle Square in Gold Saucer
Slash All Allows you to use Slash-All or Flash 150000 Ancient Forest (after defeating Shadow Beast)
Mime Allows you to mimic the last command 100000 Cave South of Wutai (requires Green or Gold Chocobo)
W Magic Allows you to cast two Magic spells in one round 250000 Final Dungeon, Above Cmd. Center
W Item Allows you to use two Items in one round 250000 Underneath Midgar
Master Command Allows you to use Steal, Throw, Mimic, Manip., Morph, D. blow, and Sense 0 In exchange from the Kalm Traveler for the Earth Harp

Support (Blue) Materia





All All effects on paired Materia 35000 Beginner's Shop in Sector 7
Elemental Adds Materia element to equipped weapon or armor 80000 Shinra Corporate HQ Floor 62
Added Effect Adds Materia status to equipped weapon or armor 100000 Cave of the Gi
MP Absorb Drains opponent's MP if attached orb damages 100000 Wutai Item Shop, Treasure Chest
HP Absorb Drains opponent's HP is attached orb damages 100000 Wutai Cat House
Added Cut Attack when using attached orb 200000 Great Glacier
MP Turbo Uses extra MP and increases power of paired Magic 120000 Whirlwind Maze
Steal As Well Steal simultaneously while using attached orb 200000 Wutai Mountains
Magic Counter Counter with attached Green or Red orb Chocobo Racing Gift
Final Attack Cast attached when character dies 160000 After Boss Battle in Battle Square
Quadra Magic Attached orb will cast randomly 4 times 200000 Cave South East of Chocobo Farm (requires Blue or Gold Chocobo)
Sneak Attack Cast attached orb at beginning of battle 150000 Chocobo Racing Gift
Counter Counter with attached yellow Final Dungeon

Independent (Purple) Materia





Cover Increase Defense, protect other characters 40000 Aeris' Garden
Chocobo Lure Attract Chocobos (while on Chocobo tracks) Purchase from Chocobo Billy
Long Range Same attack strength (front/back row) 80000 Climb vines in Mythril Cave
Counter Attack Counterattack when hit 100000 After defeating Materia Keeper in Nibelheim Mountains
Enemy Lure Increases enemy encounter rate 50000 250 BP at Battle Square in Gold Saucer
Speed Plus Increase Speed 100000 4000 BP at Battle Square in Gold Saucer
MP Plus Increase MaxMP 50000 Shop in Cosmo Canyon
HP Plus Increase MaxHP 50000 Shop in Cosmo Canyon
Luck Plus Increase Luck 100000 Temple of the Ancients
Magic Plus Increase magic attack Corral Valley Cave
Gil Plus Increase Gil gained from battle 150000 10,000 GP at Wonder Square in Gold Saucer
Pre-Emptive Increase First Strike Chances 80000 Gold Saucer
Exp. Plus Increase EXP gained from battle 150000 2000 GP at Wonder Square in Gold Saucer
Enemy Away Decreases enemy encounter rate 50000 Chcobo Racing
HP<-->MP Swaps MaxHP and MaxMP 80000 Cave North of North Corel (requires Black or Gold Chocobo)
Mega All Commands/ Spells target all enemies 160000 Final Dungeon
Underwater Removes Timer from Emerald WEAPON battle Kalm Traveler

Summon (Red) Materia





Choco/Mog Deathblow 3500 From Chocobos at Chocobo Farm
Shiva Diamond Dust 50000 From Priscilla in Junon
Ifrit Hellfire 60000 After defeating Jenova-Birth in Shinra Boat
Ramuh Judgement Bolt 70000 Inside Chocobo Racing Room at Gold Saucer
Titan Anger of the Land 80000 In destroyed Gongaga Reactor
Odin Gunge Lance 90000 Safe in Shinra Mansion
Kjata Elemental Attack 140000 Sleeping Forest
Bahamut Mega Flare 120000 After defeating Red Dragon in Cetra Shrine
Alexander Holy Attack 150000 After defeating Snow woman in Great Glacier
Neo Bahamut Giga Flare 200000 Whirlwind Maze
Leviathan Water Attack 100000 After defeating Godo in Wutai Pagoda
Phoenix Fire Attack & Life2 on party 180000 Fort Condor
Hades 4000 Damage = Status Effects 250000 From downed Shinra Plane
Bahamut ZERO Terra Flare 250000 From Huge Blue Materia
Typoon Sneeze Attack 250000 Ancient Forest
Knights of the Round 13 Knights attack all enemies 500000 NE Island Cave (requires Gold Chocobo)
Master Summon Ability to summon all 0 In exchange from the Kalm Traveler for the Earth Harp

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