GROUP EXHIBITIONS 2022 Freedom, Önningebymuseum 2022 Skapelse, Kökar 2018 Pop up II, the Åland art museum, Mariehamn 2018 Önningebymuseets sommarsalong. "Flykt" 2016 Konst i Kobbabåken med Anette Gustafsson och Kjell Ekström 2015 ÅKFs Summer exhibitiont, Gallery Norra Dörren, Mariehamn, Åland Islands 2015 The Spring Salong, Önningeby museum, Åland Islands 2014 Gubbröra, Galleri Fäktargubben, Mariehamn 2013 Nordic Cool festival, Kennedy Center, Washington DC 2013 The yearly Finnish art organisation federation’s exhibition in Voipaala konstcenter, Sääksmäki 2013 ÅKFs 60 år anniversary exhibitiont,Åland Islands 2013, Frederiksborg slott, Danmark 2013 Människor och minnen, ett urval från Ålands konstmuseums samlingar, Norrtälje konsthal 2011 Önskekonst, the Åland art museum, Mariehamn 2010 The yearly Finnish art organisation federation’s exhibition in the Järvenpää art museum, Finland 2010 ÅKF autumn salon, the Åland art museum, Mariehamn 2010 Combined lines, Norrtälje art hall, Sweden 2009 Combined lines, the Åland art museum, Åland 2008 1st Internationel Watercolour Festival, Bellagio, Italy 2004 The ÅKF yearly exhibition, the Åland art museum, Åland 2003 Contemporary art from Åland, Eckerö mail and customs house, Åland 2002 The yearly Finnish art organisation federation’s exhibition in the Seinäjoki art hall, Finland 2002 Four artists from Åland, Norrtälje art hall, Sweden 2002 Mini graphics, Gallery Bagarstugan, Mariehamn, Åland 2002 Åland artists’ spring salon, the Åland art museum, Åland 2002 Expressions around the Baltic, Karlskrona art hall, Sweden 2001 The ÅKF yearly exhibition, the Åland art museum, Åland 2001 Gallery Majnabbe, Gothenburg, Sweden 2001 Children’s book illustrations exhibition, Helsinki, Finland 2001 Gallery 17’s anniversary exhibition, Stockholm, Sweden 1999 The ÅKF yearly exhibition, the Åland art museum, Åland 1999 ÅKF guest exhibition in Porvoo art hall, Finland 1999 Art farm, Kastelholm, Åland 1998 Four from Åland, Kuusankoskitalo, Kuusankoski, Finland 1998 The ÅKF yearly exhibition, the Åland art museum, Åland 1997 Graphics, the Mariehamn gallery, Åland 1997 The wind, sea and rock, Eckerö mail and customs house, Åland 1996 The Raumo art museum, Finland 1996 Art next to the sea, the Wikom estate, Nagu, Finland 1996 International aquarelle biennale, Dukange, France 1996 Spring salon, the Åland art museum, Åland 1995 The ÅKF yearly exhibition, the Åland art museum, Åland 1995 Air, Nordic art, the Åland art museum, Åland 1994 Art from Åland, Turku cultural center, Finland 1994 Kuckeliku, Eckerö, Åland 1994 ÅKF spring salon, the Åland art museum, Mariehamn, 1993 Finnish artists 98th yearly exhibition, Karkkila, Finland 1993 Summer art in Eckerö, Åland 1993 Art from Åland at the Åland art museum, Mariehamn, Åland 1993 The Arts connection, Atlanta, USA 1992 Mini graphics at Gallery Fäktargubben, Mariehamn, Åland 1992 Art from Åland in Iceland 1992 Art from Åland in the Faroe Islands 1991 The Åland art association’s yearly exhibition, Mariehamn, 1983 The Modern art museum, Tampere, Finland 1983 The Ässä gallery, Helsinki, Finland 1982 The Vaasa art museum, Finland 1982 The Ässä gallery, Helsinki, Finland 1982 Finnish artists 87th yearly exhibition, Helsinki art hall, Finland 1981 The Hämeenlinna art museum, Finland 1978 The Tampere art museum, Finland 1977 The Art center, Voipaala, Finland 1976 The Hämeenlinna art museum, Finland 1975 The Modern art museum, Tampere, Finland |